Monday, November 26, 2007

"when you are young...
you think possibilities are endless"

u cannot judge this sentence...
u cannot come 2 a conclusion...
it dosnt give out a hint or a question or an inference...
it just states...
an hypothesis ,probably...

say ,if it were true...
would tht mean tht whn we are young we THINK possibilities are endless
but actually they are not??
they are few and steadily decreasing in number and size...
and we are but living under the gloomy shadow of a big fukin clock...
which is ticking...ticking away to glory???

and as we grow up to become wiser and fatter...
we realize tht we hav been fools to have thrown away our lives which cud otherwise
have been fabricated into something shiny and attractive...even expensive.
so the tag below our SELF wud have had a few more zeros added to the current wretched number.
but the imbecile tht we were whn we were YOUNG...we made the wrong choice,took the wrong decision.

but who decides tht???


1 comment:

Shaapla said...

You. Simple. It's always you.