Saturday, January 27, 2007


The drum beats,the criss-crossed poles
the dangling tattered rope
The mortals
Foot firmly grounded
to the empathetic earth
Eyes wide open of some
Most blinded by a snobbish apathy
Look up at you ,my Queen
My blue eyed ballerina
You ruled the road
You ruled the scene
I saw you walking the sky
on the wind,through the clouds
walking,running and flying
Eyes transfixed to that unknown
Point of infinity
For that one moment
You were airborne
I saw you fly

Mathematics fused with a
sinuous logical law
validated by the falling apple
And the dying thinker
forced me out of my impolitic trance
As I sipped my drink
and saw you ,my Queen
My blue eyed Ballerina
How you ruled the road
Oh! How you ruled the scene

Some cheered
Others hurled numbered pieces
of shiny polished steel
A token of half-hearted appreciation
for your rope walking skill
Your patriarch collected the coins
Which promised the evening meal
Did he know that you wanted to fly
fly higher still?

I saw you slither down the pole
The flight was over for you, my Queen
And you came to me with your bowl
Conscious of your glancing look
I placed a coin and let it roll
You went from man to man
Like a rogue princess
On her royal stroll

Down came the rope, off went the pole
Towers of shining coins
Now adored your broken bowl
You looked happy in that
frayed skirt ,unkempt red hair
raw ,uncorrupted soul
The envy of the falcons
Who could never play your role

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful....