Wednesday, July 04, 2007

stop expecting so much from me.....

all of u...

i am not here to deliver

to answer

to explain

to be held responsible...

i kno....u all wud like me 2 be a lil of evrythn above...

but u all NEED 2 understand i wasnt made tht way...

i have no answers....
so stop questioning me...

i dont have any explanation
so stop expecting one...

i cannot CANNOT be responsible
so PLEASE,i beg u,PLEASE

lemme BREATHE....dont smother me with those wide eyes filled to d brim with
expectations in all shapes ,sizes n forms....



Anonymous said...

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you and I...
and so this is goodbye

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you,
Anymore, Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try
And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true
Anymore Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
oh no
So this is goodbye
So this is goodbye, yeah

AbHiNaNdAN said...

its beautiful...
if som1 ,ne1 has taken d pain 2 sit down n write a poem bout me/us,then it hs 2 b special.
im touched.
tk care.

AbHiNaNdAN said...

n believe in urslf n evrythn else is bound 2 fall in place...
no1 deserves 2 b d centre of YOUR universe ...tht corner is just YOURS...
so preserve it ,protect it...
we will cross paths somday
sometime ,somewhere
i will have my answeres ready by then
i promise
so tht day
let the questions flow ...

Anonymous said...

no...i'd rather not ask anymore...n "let u breathe"

AbHiNaNdAN said...

yep...u rather not...
not now...
i wudnt hav ne answeres
not yet...
but somday i wud
somday i shd...